So a lot has happened since the last time I wrote. First off, the Hubs had taken a test to try to make rank. He was testing for Tech sgt. Well, we found out that he made it!!!! I'm so very proud of him and what he has accomplished in the 10 years he's been in. Btw, he also celebrates that this month too!
August seemed to have flown by. Had my first PTO meetings in August. They went pretty well. Meet the teacher night went great and the kids and I got to meet their teachers. Alas the Hubs had to work and he couldn't make it. I'm sure he'll have other opportunities to meet them.
Even though I love my kids, I'm thrilled that they are back in school. I know they are happy too! Now since the boys are in school and it's just my daughter and I home all day I can get more things accomplish that I want to. My plan is to get more of our things organized. There's lots of clothes that after going through of the boys, no longer fit my younger son. So as soon as the Thrift Shop opens up I'll be consigning some things. That'll mean extra money for Christmas gifts. I'm trying to pay all cash this year again for Christmas. I was so proud of myself for not putting anything on the credit cards. Every little bit helps. We're slowly paying off debt as well. By next October or so we should have our van payed off!!! Well it's time to get the kids ready for bed as tomorrow is another school day.